This is my brain.

This is my brain.

This is my brain  on strategy.

This is my brain
on strategy.


For someone who is supposed to provide clarity, my brain always feels cluttered.

I assumed that…

Strategy brings instant clarity to thinking.


But I’ve learned that…

Strategy creates chaos
before clarity.


So I needed to…

Find ways to untangle my brain.


Strategic principles for navigating mental clutter.

Ask “What If?”

My favorite question to ask. It encourages people to break boundaries and gives a safe space for the imagination. It also turns work into play, which is where interesting ideas come to life.

Stay Skeptical

Question the assumptions, question the brief, question the research, question my interpretation.

Question everything.

Find the Tension

I love finding the connections between two things that logically shouldn’t connect.

Like Kanye West and the Hero’s Journey.

Heady Theories for
Low Brow Topics

There is insight in everything, it just needs to be uncovered. Whether it’s the rise of DTC brands or what makes dating shows compelling, it can all be explained with social science.

People Deserve Better

You can call it user-empathy or user-centric thinking. I think it comes down to finding ways to improve the status-quo so people can experience something better.

Read, Then Steal

Countless experts have written books that answer all types of wonderful questions. And books just hit a little different than reading from a screen.

Join my Solo Strategy Book Club to see what I’m reading. 

See these principles in action



What if running shoes provided emotional support?

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What if a non-alcoholic spirit said “no” to the Sober Curious trend?

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What if saving money felt like a game?

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